Liturgy at Saint Ambrose Barlow provides opportunities for pupils and staff to come together to worship God. It is rooted in the example and teachings of Jesus Christ whilst taking into account the religious and educational needs of all who share in it. “Worship is concerned with reverence or veneration paid to a divine being or power.” (Circular 1/94)
Liturgy is an educational experience or a reflection to which all can contribute and from which all can gain.
- Those who form part of the worshipping community in church
- Those for whom school may be their first and only experience of church
- Those from other Christian traditions
- Those from other faith backgrounds
The Aims of Liturgy
Through our Worship together we aim to:
To reflect on spiritual and moral issues
To reflect on personal beliefs and help strengthen their individual faith. To guide the children on their faith journey.
To develop community spirit
To respond to and celebrate life To reinforce positive attitudes
To contemplate something of the mystery of God To enable and encourage a sense of belonging To encourage a common ethos and shared values To build a firm foundation for liturgy
To enrich the religious experience of children and staff To mark as special
To give worth to
To wonder at To take time to
To come to terms with…
Who should be involved in Liturgy?
Pupils – they must have the opportunity to take part in daily liturgy. Chaplaincy/Worship Team – they will plan and lead Key Stage Liturgy. Teachers – they plan and enable liturgy to take place each day
All staff – they are invited to participate in all acts of Liturgy
Parents – they too are invited to participate in acts of Liturgy during class assemblies, meetings for Sacramental preparation, etc.
Where should Liturgy take place?
- In the classrooms
- In the hall
- In church
- In the open if appropriate
When should Liturgy take place?
Liturgy need not occur at the beginning of the day but rather at the time that is most appropriate for us as a school to ensure that it is a meaningful and prayerful opportunity for all participants.
How should Liturgy be delivered?
Liturgy can take many forms:
- Can be led by pupils, staff or visitors
- Can be offered for a class, a phase or whole school
- Should use a balance of quiet reflection, silence, prayers, responses, music, songs, dance, drama, slides, video or short address
- Should provide a focus using artefacts, candles, symbols and lighting
- Ensures the theme, focus, delivery, length and resources are appropriate to the interests, age range, backgrounds and abilities of the pupils
- Respect the freedom of pupils and staff in the invitation to prayer and worship
- Set an appropriate atmosphere with a sense of order and occasion, including entry and exit
- Ensure the possibility of conscious, active participation of all present
How should Liturgy be planned, recorded and evaluated?
- Through/with reference to the church’s seasons, significant dates and the Come and See curriculum
- With the flexibility to respond to changing situations with the school and the wider community
- Through displays, prayers, photographs,
- Through planning to keep note of themes, leaders, pupil groupings
- By staff and pupils on a regular basis
Opportunities provided for Liturgy
Foundation Stage
Monday – Whole school Liturgy/Classroom Based
Tuesday – Classroom Based
Wednesday – Key Stage Liturgy/Classroom Based
Thursday – Classroom Based
Friday – Whole School Liturgy/Classroom Based
Key Stage One
Monday – Whole school Liturgy/Classroom Based
Tuesday – Classroom Based
Wednesday – Key Stage Liturgy
Thursday – Classroom Based
Friday – Whole School Liturgy/Classroom Based
Key Stage Two
Monday – Whole school Liturgy/Within classroom
Tuesday – Classroom Based
Wednesday – Classroom Based
Thursday – Key Stage Liturgy
Friday – Whole School Liturgy
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from daily collective worship
Class Worship
There will be a series of whole class Liturgies throughout the year which parents will be invited.
Whole School
Throughout the year pupils participate in Mass, and deliver seasonal services for parents and members of the community
E.g. Advent, Carol Services, Ash Wednesday, Easter Service, Corpus Christi, etc.
A special Mass is celebrated at the end of the academic year, which recalls the children’s journey through our school and points towards their future lives in Secondary School.
For more prayer ideas from the Archdiocese of Liverpool please follow the link below:
Latest News
May we remind parents that all payments must be made through the MyEd app for Breakfast Club fees
Guidelines for school available under INFORMATION > PUBLIC HEALTH tabs at top of page
Opening times 7.30 a.m. – 8.50 a.m. £5.00 Booking essential All fees are payable in advance Payments to