SEND Information

At St. Ambrose Barlow Catholic Primary School, we aim to ensure that all children, regardless of their ability or specific needs, achieve to the best of their ability. As first and foremost a Catholic school, we make it our mission to ensure our pupils ‘Live life to the full’ (John 10:10) maximising the potential in each and every child.

This information report is based on the statutory Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice and the following legislation:

What will school do if my child needs extra help?

At St Ambrose Barlow, we strive to achieve effective, inclusive classrooms where the children receive high quality teaching every day. This includes every class teacher having the highest expectations for every child, basing their teaching on what the child already knows and looking for ways to move their learning on, providing different strategies of teaching and learning so that all children succeed and monitoring carefully the progress made by each child. Class teachers assess each child daily and half termly. These assessments allow the class teacher to plan next steps for each child so that they make expected progress across all subjects.

If a teacher becomes concerned that a child is not making expected progress or are having difficulties within the classroom, through their daily observations or the tracking of data, they will address these concerns with Mrs Holden (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) whose role it is to oversee all children who may have special educational needs. As this point, Mrs Holden will look at current provision provided for your child within the classroom and may try to address your child’s difficulties through further differentiation within each lesson.

Depending on the progress made, it may be decided between yourselves, Mrs Holden and the class teacher to identify your child as needing SEN support. Mrs Holden and the class teacher, together with yourselves and your child, will make a plan of how best to support your child in the coming weeks. A further date will be set to discuss the progress made by your child through this planned support.

What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs and needs extra support?

If you feel that your child may be having difficulties in their work or may have additional special educational needs, firstly raise these concerns with your child’s class teacher. The class teacher will listen carefully to your concerns and will share the progress your child has made to date. They will also discuss any additional support your child is receiving within the classroom. If appropriate, the class teacher may arrange a further meeting between yourselves and Mrs Holden to discuss next steps or any further support your child may need to make progress.

How will school staff support my child?

After discussion, it may be agreed that your child needs more specific interventions to support them in their learning and further their progress, additional to and different from support given within the classroom. A plan will be drawn up between the class teacher, yourselves, Mrs Holden and your child. It will be summarised in an IEP (Individual Education Plan).

An IEP is a plan designed for children needing SEND support to support them in getting the most out of their education. It is personalised for your child. It is to inform the class teacher and any support staff working with your child of their specific targets and how these will be reached. An IEP will contain around 3 or 4 short-term, specific targets set for your child, the strategies and interventions used to achieve them, the provision provided and identify outcomes for your child which will show your child’s progress.

IEP targets will be ‘SMART’ which stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measureable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time bound

After the specified time, a review meeting will be held to discuss your child’s progress against the IEP targets. At this meeting, it may be that your child has achieved well and, through discussion between all parties present, new targets may be drawn up. Alternatively, it may become clear that your child has not met targets on their IEP. Further, more specific targets may be drawn up or it may be agreed that your child requires some extra specialist support from professionals outside of school. This support may come from Local Authority central services or outside agencies. This type of support is available for children who are experiencing barriers to learning that cannot be overcome through high quality teaching and specific interventions provided by school. This will be agreed between yourselves and the school staff involved.

Mrs Holden, together with the class teacher and yourselves, will put together a referral form for your child to be seen by a specialist professional. Permission from yourselves is needed for this referral to go ahead.

The specialist professionals and outside agencies will make recommendations to the school. These may include making changes to the way your child is supported in class, making further changes to their IEP targets which will now include their specific expertise, further intervention provided for your child by school staff which is overseen by the outside professional or may include individual work directly with the outside professional.

The work completed by the outside professional will also follow a specific time scale.

After this time, it may be felt by all concerned that your child needs more than 15 hours support time and meets specific criteria. Alongside you, school will gather all evidence already completed and make an application to the Local Authority for consideration of an EHC (Education Health Care Plan).

An EHC looks at the child’s needs in education, health and care. A keyworker will be assigned to help and support you throughout this process. They will support you in giving your views of the child, their needs and their hopes for the future. You will be involved in writing the EHC plan with the other staff and professionals who have also assessed your child. An EHC plan is personalised meaning that all your child’s individual needs in education, health and care will be considered and provision required identified. The time taken from the moment of referral to the finalised EHC plan is 20 weeks.

How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

In addition to parent’s evenings and end of year reports, you are very welcome to discuss with the class teacher your child’s progress at any time. You can make arrangements to do this directly with the class teacher or arrange a time at the school office. We value these discussions and it is useful to hear your views of your child, such as what is working well at home, as this can help us to support your child more effectively. Alternatively, the class teacher will be able to offer advice and support on how you can best support your child at home. Additionally, Mrs Holden is readily available to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns you may have.

If your child has been identified as needing SEN support, you will have regular meetings with Mrs Holden and the class teacher to discuss your child’s progress against their IEP targets and outcomes. IEPs will be reviewed regularly with your involvement. During these IEP meetings, ways in which you can support your child through their IEP targets will be discussed.

If your child has support from an outside professional, this information will also be shared and discussed with you on a regular basis.

What support will there be for my child’s well-being?

All staff members are trained in child protection and every member of staff is responsible for your child’s safety.

During unsupervised times, all of our welfare staff are trained first aiders.

If your child has a medical need and requires medicines administered during the school day, please speak to the school office, who will complete a health care plan with you in order to ensure all staff are aware of your child’s medical needs and to ensure the safe and correct administration of the medicine. Only medicine prescribed by a doctor will be administered.

At St. Ambrose Barlow, we follow the SEAL programme to promote and develop positive attitudes. All of our learning support assistants are trained to carry out Talking Partners, a programme designed to help raise self-esteem and confidence.

What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?

  • Learning Support assistants
  • Counselling
  • Educational Psychology service
  • Behaviour support team
  • TESS team – Targeted Educational Support
  • Speech and Language therapy
  • Sensory service
  • School nurse
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physiotherapy

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

At St. Ambrose Barlow, all activities and school trips are accessible to all children. Risk assessments are carried out for all trips and activities so that all children are able to participate. We always liaise with parents when planning additional activities and trips. Individual needs will be assessed and adaptations to activities made to ensure all pupil inclusion. If a child may need 1:1 support during these times, a parent may be asked to accompany the child during the activity or trip.

In addition, there are a number of extra-curricular activities available. Any pupil requiring additional resources, provision and staffing for these activities will be considered on an individual basis.

How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to the children’s special educational needs?

The school matches funding and resources closely to the individual needs of each pupil. This provision is discussed with parents and all involved.

How accessible is the school environment?

St. Ambrose Barlow is fully wheelchair accessible through the use of wide doors and ramps into school. There is a disabled toilet available.

How will school prepare and support my child to join the school, transfer to a new school or the next stage of education?

Information about children who attend nurseries and pre-school provision are given and discussed with our foundation stage staff alongside staff from these settings. We also hold an information meeting to share with you the goals and objectives for the coming year in Reception.

Alongside this, the school holds a series of INSPIRE sessions where you and your child can share activities within the school setting.

We understand that the transition from primary to secondary school can be daunting. We recommend that you attend information evenings at the secondary school of your choice, where the SENCo will be available to answer any questions you may have about their SEND provision and how they will best support your child.

Close liason between staff at St. Ambrose Barlow and all receiving secondary schools tasks place. In these meetings, we share information about the level of support your child has received and any interventions and provision put into place for them at their time at our school. We ensure the transition is as smooth as possible and that they undertake a carefully planned transition to meet their needs.

Who can I contact for further information?

  • School office and Mr Doherty (Headteacher) – 01942 883912
  • Mrs Holden (SENCo) – 01942 883912

Do not hesitate to contact the school if you have further questions regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

SEND Policy 2023-24 St Ambrose Barlow

Equality Statement 2023-24

SEND Information 

For information on Wigan’s Local Offer please click the link below:

Wigan Council SEND Local Offer

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  • Open Week - Reception 2025 4th November 2024 8th November 2024


    Saint Ambrose Barlow are holding an Open Week where families can book a slot to tour our most wonderful school with the Headteacher.  If your child is starting Reception class in September 2025 and you would like to book a slot, please contact the school office on 01942883912.